EFICAS Baseline Questionnaires

All required documents to conduct a village baseline in one week by two technicians.
Questionnaire File

1. Village history (focus group)


  • Pesticides & chemical fertilizers adoption
  • Road opening to production areas
2. Village general information (focus group)
3. Problem census (focus groups)
4. Cropping system (focus group)

5. Livestock system (focus group)


  • Vaccination
  • Improved pasture and forage processing

6. Sales and contracts (focus group)


  • Contract breaking
  • Land concessions
7. Rapid survey (Eng/Lao)

8. Detailed survey:

  • Main questionnaires (Lao)
  • Household composition
  • Diversity of crops and NTFPs
 9. Field survey
 10. Final synthesis:
 11. Complementary file: disaster alert

The project worked on the development of an online and collaborative database. Database user guide: